Beyond the Conventional Information Science

The accumulation and utilization of information is not just a matter of today. In natural sciences, information is the product of analysis and combination of data. From this perspective, when we expand the scope of temporal and spatial analysis from the birth of the universe to the present and the future, the various laws that make up the universe, life, and human beings can be explained through processing, combining, transforming, transmitting, and analyzing data.

From the beginning of the universe, the formation of the earth, the emergence of life, and the process of the emergence of mankind have generated a great deal of information, and humanity has evolved more rapidly than any other species, accumulating and utilizing such information. Approximately seven million years ago, as apes and humans from the common ancestor began to differentiate, they adapted to the changes in the natural environment in different ways, resulting in a different lifestyle and culture. In particular, mankind has accumulated and exchanged various information in order to adapt to the rapid changes in the natural environment and to survive. Above all, we have started to live a totally different way of life than other species by effectively transferring this information to the next generation. It was DNA that saved the information and spread it. Therefore, DNA can be said to be a container of information about life, and if natural selection is made to maintain them, the birth and evolution of life can be explained in terms of conservation of information.

If so, what would happen if we looked at the birth of the universe and the history of the universe to the present from the perspective of information? The Big Bang is a theory of cosmology that explains the beginning of the universe in astronomy or physics. It is a theory that small matter and space with very high energies become universe through a huge explosion about 13.8 billion years ago. According to this theory, prior to the explosion, all matter and energy present in the universe today were trapped in small points. At the moment of explosion of space time 0 second, material and energy exploded from this began to move away from each other. This material and energy have formed the galaxy. Interstellar matter, which is very rarely present in space created after the Big Bang, consists of 98% hydrogen · helium gas and 2% dust. Within the interstellar material, the dense part is called the nebula, where a star was born. Since then, stars of various sizes and gravitational and physiological effects have created a number of elements we know, and these again spread to the entire universe by supernova explosions. From the point of view of the information, the particles, which are chunks of small information that have expanded exponentially, are united by the forces of the universe and constitute a variety of more complex atoms, which again produce various molecules through various assemblages. 

From this point of view, considering the combination of elements, substances, molecules, and more complex polymers, proteins, and life, we can interpret the big history from the birth of the universe to life through human beings as the process of combining, preserving, and spreading information. 

Therefore, information science can be regarded as a study of the universe beyond the limits of computer science. This blog will post various articles based on the expanded view on information and intelligence like this. In the next post I will discuss the extended meaning of intelligence.


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